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Newton Falls, OH

Pet Microchipping

Pet microchipping is a safe and effective way to help ensure that your pet can be returned to you if they become lost.

Veterinary Services

Pet Microchipping

Pet microchipping is a quick and painless way to ensure that your pet can be returned to you if they ever become lost. The procedure involves inserting a small microchip, about the size of a grain of rice, under the animal’s skin. The microchip contains a unique identification number that can be used to look up the owner’s contact information. Pet microchips are permanent and cannot be removed, so they provide a lifelong way to keep track of your pet.

Pet microchipping is available at the Newton Falls Animal Hospital. The hospital staff will insert the microchip and register it with a national database. If your pet is ever lost, any animal shelter or veterinary clinic can scan the microchip to find your contact information. Pet microchipping is an easy and effective way to make sure that your beloved pet always has a way home.